System Report


This simple assignment is meant to test if your local development environment is set up correctly.


For this assignment, you will be importing the Movie Mayhem database, which is provided with the repository as the Movie Mayhem SQL File, movie_mayhem.sql.

Project Setup

1. Clone the Repository

Clone the repository from GitHub and use the provided file to complete the assignment.

2. Import the Movie Mayhem Database

To import the database, using phpMyAdmin, complete the following instructions.

  1. Open Adminer at http://adminer.test (macOS) or http://localhost/adminer (Windows)
  2. Log in to Adminer using the root username and password
  3. From the Adminer homepage, click on the "Import" link found on the left side of the page.
  4. Under the "File upload" section, click the "Choose File" button. Choose the movie_mayhem.sql file found in the repository.
  5. Click the "Execute" button.
  6. Once the importing has been completed, the movie_mayhem database should be listed in the DB select box.


The following requirement must be met to complete the assignment successfully:

  1. In index.php, create a $name variable with a value of your full name and a $section variable with the section number and term.
  2. Use the echo statement to output the $name, $section, $php, and $mysql variables inside the HTML at the appropriate places marked by comments.
  3. View the project in the browser. Take a screenshot and add it to the repository.

System Report screenshot example Example screenshot.