String Functions

This YouTube video was created by Steve Griffith.

String Functions are used to alter the returned data of those columns using a string datatype. String Functions do not alter the actual data that is stored in the database as all functions are executed after the data is retrieved but before it is displayed.

When working with String Functions, a new string can be adding strings with quotes as an argument of the function. If a string argument has no strings, it will be treated as a column name.

UPPER() Function

The UPPER() function is used to convert all the letter characters of a string to uppercase.

-- Covert the each movie title to all uppercase
SELECT UPPER(movie_title)
FROM `movies`

LOWER() Function

The LOWER() function is used to convert all the letter characters of a string to lowercase.

-- Covert the each movie director to all lowercase
SELECT LOWER(director)
FROM `movies`

LENGTH() Function

The LENGTH() function will return the number of characters in a string.

-- Return the number of characters in each movie title
SELECT LENGTH(movie_title), movie_title
FROM `movies`

CONCAT() Function

The CONCAT() function is used to combine two or more strings.

-- Combine movie_title, director and movie_id 
SELECT CONCAT(movie_title, ' : ', director, ' : ', movie_id) AS con
FROM `movies`

CONCAT_WS() Function

The CONCAT_WS() function, which stands for Concatenate With Separator.

-- Combine movie_title, director and movie_id
-- with the specified separator
SELECT CONCAT_WS(' : ', movie_title, director, movie_id) AS con
FROM `movies`

TRIM() Function

The TRIM() function is used to remove any white space from the beginning and end of a string.


There is also LTRIM() and RTRIM() which only removes white space from the beginning and the end, respectively.

-- Removes the whitespace from the beginning and end of a string
SELECT TRIM('            abcde                 ') AS tr
FROM `movies`

LEFT() Function

The LEFT() function is used to return the specified number of characters starting at the left side of the string.


There is also RIGHT() which is used to return the specified number characters starting at the right side of the string.

-- Returns the first 5 characters of each movie title
SELECT LEFT(movie_title, 5) AS five
FROM `movies`

RPAD() Function

The RPAD() function appends the specified characters to a string until the string is the specified length. If the string is longer than the specified length the returned value will be shortened.


There is also LPAD() which prepends the specified characters to a string until the string is the specified length.

-- Appends Xs to movie titles until each title is 50 characters long
SELECT RPAD(movie_title, 50, 'XXXXXX') AS xx
FROM `movies`

FORMAT() Function

The FORMAT() function formats the provided number by rounding decimal places and adding commas and periods. A locale can be specified so that the proper separators are used. The resulting value of the FORMAT() function will be a string.

-- Formats the year to include 3 decimal places
SELECT FORMAT(year, 3) AS frmt
FROM `movies`

-- Formats the year to include 3 decimal places
-- using the French Canadian
SELECT FORMAT(year, 3, 'fr_CA') AS frmt
FROM `movies`