Logical Operators

Logical operators are used alter or combine expression together to create a complex condition. While logical operators are typically used boolean values, in which they will return a boolean value, they can be used with non-Boolean value.

There are three logical operators: AND (&&), OR (||), and NOT (!).

The AND Operator

When using boolean values with the AND (&&) operator, the value true will be returned if both values are true and the value false will be returned if at least one value is false. For non-boolean values, if the first value is truthy than the second value will be returned, else the first value will be returned.

console.log(true && true)     // true
console.log(true && false)    // false
console.log(true && 3 < 4)    // true
console.log(true && 4 < 3)    // false

console.log('Cat' && true)    // true
console.log('Cat' && false)   // false
console.log('Cat' && 'Dog')   // 'Dog'
console.log('' && true)       // ''

The OR Operator

When using boolean values with the OR (||) operator, the value true will be returned if at least one value is true and the value false will be returned if both values are false. For non-boolean values, if the first value is truthy than the first value will be returned, else the second value will be returned.

console.log(true || true)     // true
console.log(true || false)    // true
console.log(false || 3 < 4)   // true
console.log(false || 4 < 3)   // false

console.log('Cat' || true)    // 'Cat'
console.log('Cat' || 'Dog')   // 'Cat'
console.log(false || 'Dog')   // 'Dog'
console.log('' || true)       // true

The NOT Operator

The NOT (!) operator will return false if the following expression is truthy. Otherwise, it will return true.

console.log(!true)      // false
console.log(!false)     // true
console.log(!(3 < 4))   // false
console.log(!(4 < 3))   // true
console.log(!'Cat')     // false
console.log(!'')        // true