Assignment Operators

An assignment operators assigns a value to left operand to the value of the expression on the right.

The Equal Sign

The simplest assignment operator is the equal sign (=). It is also most commonly used operator as well. All the others assignment operators are variations of the equal sign.

// Using the equal sign to assign value to variable number
let number = 5

// Using the equal sign to change the value of number
number = 3

Arithmetic Assignment Operators

JavaScript has various shorthand operators that can be used to complete arithmetic operations.

let number = 5

// Addition assignment
number += 3 // same as: number = number + 3

// Subtraction assignment
number -= 3 // same as: number = number - 3

// Multiplication assignment
number *= 3 // same as: number = number * 3

// Division assignment
number /= 3 // same as: number = number / 3