Manipulating Attributes

This YouTube video was created by Steve Griffith.

When retrieving an HTML Element using one of the method discussed above, each HTML Element is represented as an [Object] in JavaScript. Updating the properties of this object will also manipulate the HTML. From this object it possible to add, remove or change an elements attributes, classes, text and even its inner HTML.

All native attribute (non-custom attributes), can be access as properties in the HTML Element Object. So if we were to have an anchor tag like the one below, we would be able to read, change, add, and remove its attributes.

<a id="link" href=""></a>

Reading Attributes

The [getAttribute()] method returns the value of the specified attribute of the target element. If the attribute does not exist, value returned will be null or an empty string (" ").

If we had the HTML example above, we can retrieve the values of the attributes using the getAttribute() method like so.

const $link = document.getElementById('link')
console.log($link.getAttribute('id')) // link
console.log($link.getAttribute('href')) //

It is important to note that most standard attributes can be accessed directly from an element, using the attribute name as the property.

const $link = document.getElementById('link')
console.log($ // link
console.log($link.href) //

Changing Attributes

The setAttribute() method set the value of an attribute on the specified element. If the attribute already exists, the value will be updated, else a new attribute will be added.

const $link = document.getElementById('link')
$link.setAttribute('href', '') // updates the attribute
$link.setAttribute('target', '_blank') // adds a new attribute

It is also possible to use the attribute properties to update and add new properties.

const $link = document.getElementById('link')
$link.href = '' // updates the attribute
$ = '_blank' // adds a new attribute


This does NOT make changes to the HTML file itself. Only how the browser renders the HTML.

Removing Attributes

The removeAttribute() method removes an attribute from an element.

const $link = document.getElementById('link')


Using the removeAttribute() method is the preferred way to set an attribute to null, as attempting to do so with setAttribute() or the attribute property can have unexpected results.