
This YouTube video was created by Steve Griffith.

The switch statement

The switch statement is similar to the if...else, but instead of evaluating a condition, the switch statement contains different cases. Each case is evaluated to see if it matches the provided expression. A case will only be match the expression and case have the exact same values using the strict comparison (===). If a case does match the expression, the associate block of code will be executed.

A break statement is used tell the program to jump out of switch statement and ignore the remaining cases. If a break statement is not used than fall through will occur.

const answer = 'A'

switch (answer) {
  case 'A':
    // this block of code will execute
    console.log('A is the wrong answer')
  case 'B':
    // this block of code will NOT execute
    console.log('B is the wrong answer')
  case 'C':
    // this block of code will NOT execute
    console.log('C is the correct answer')

The break statement

In most cases, it is necessary to include a break at the end of a case. If a break statement is not used than fall through will occur and all remaining cases will executed. This is because once a switch encounters a matching case all remaining cases are also considered matches.

const answer = 'A'

switch (answer) {
  case 'A':
    // this block of code will execute
    console.log('A is the wrong answer')
  case 'B':
    // this block of code will ALSO execute
    console.log('B is the wrong answer')
  case 'C':
    // this block of code will ALSO execute
    console.log('C is the correct answer')

When used properly, fall through can be used to make the code more efficient, by stacking cases together.

const answer = 'A'

switch (answer) {
  case 'A':
  case 'B':
    // this block of code will execute
    console.log('This is the wrong answer')
  case 'C':
    // this block of code will NOT execute
    console.log('This is the correct answer')

The default clause

The default clause, similar to the else statement, is use to provide a default statement if no matching case is found.


It is best practice to set the default clause as the last clause in a switch statement.

const answer = 'D'

switch (answer) {
  case 'A':
    // this block of code will NOT execute
    console.log('A is the wrong answer')
  case 'B':
    // this block of code will NOT execute
    console.log('B is the wrong answer')
  case 'C':
    // this block of code will NOT execute
    console.log('C is the correct answer')
    // this block of code will execute
    console.log('That is not a valid answer')