Working with a GitHub Repository

To start working with a GitHub Repository we first have to bring it to our computer, a process called cloning.

Cloning a repository

Click on the clipboard icon next to the repository URL. github copy repo

If your repository page looks different than above screenshot the link can be found under code button github copy repo code button

Now, open Visual Studio Code and press Command Shift P on a Mac or Control Shit P on Windows to open commands panel.

Search for clone and select Git Clone option.

vs code git clone

Paste in the repository URL copied from and hit enter. vs code git clone url

Select the location for your repository. Note: DO NOT select an existing repository folder as the location to clone this repository. vs code git clone location

(Optional) if prompted to trust the authors of the files select "Trust authors of all files" vs code git clone trust authors

Once the cloning process is complete you will see a prompt to open the folder or open in new window. Click on Open. vs code git clone open folder

Adding a file

You can now start working with the repository, let's start by adding a file with the name index.html vs code adding a file to repo

Using Source Control

When we add, edit or remove any files from the repository the changes are tracked by the git version control system and in VS Code we can see these changes and register them as a version from the source control tab. vs code source control tab

Staging the changes

When we make any changes to the files in our repository by adding new files, editing existing files or deleting files we need to stage these changes. Staging the changes is like recognizing the changes that we want to be saved as a version. We can select one or multiple files that have been changed to be part of a version by clicking the + by the file name. vs code staging changes

Committing the stages changes

Commit is the process to create a version of the changes that we staged in the previous step. When we commit our staged changes we tell the git version control system to save these changes as a version of our repository.

While committing we add a message in the text field, this message needs to be short and descriptive of the action being performed by the changes you are committing.

A good way to write the message is to assume that you are writing it as "This commit...". Now you will not write this commit but the next part. Example: "This commit" adds index.html file, so the message will be adds index.html

vs code git commit changes

Pull changes


You will skip this step if this is your first commit to the repository as there is no code to be pulled.

Pull is the process to download and merge any code that might have been added to the repository by your team mate, or if you are often changing computers to work on your project. This way you can make sure that you are not going to overwrite someone's work or create other issues.

For pull simply go under more options and select pull.

vs code git pull

Push your changes

Push is the process of pushing your code to the GitHub repository for your teammates to pull and work with. This will send your code along with the commits to vs code git pull

Check for the update

You can now head over to and check for the update to showup in your repository. You will notice a few things as highlighted in the screenshot below, your commit message, when the repository was updated, when the commit was made and how many commits you have. GitHub repository updated screen