Web Applications

Module 1

Development Tools Many different tools are needed when developing web applications. This module will explore the tools we will be using throughout the course.

Module 2

Control Flow To learn the Vue Framework, it is essential to have a good foundation in JavaScript. This module will review control-flow components, including loops, conditional statements, and functions.



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Module 3

Strings, Arrays, and Objects To learn the Vue Framework, it is essential to have a good foundation in JavaScript. This module will review the data types of strings, arrays, and objects.



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Module 4

Declarative Programming A subset of Functional Programming, Declarative Programming is a programming style that helps us write more readable code. This module will review arrow functions and functional array methods.



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Module 5

Introduction to Vue Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework designed to build reactive user interfaces. This module will cover installing the Vue framework, creating a Vue application instance, and working with reactive data.



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Module 6

User Input Vue makes it easy to respond and react to user input. This module will cover the basics of event handling with Vue and explore the concept of two-way binding.



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Module 7

Data Management Vue is a data-driven framework that reacts to data changes by re-rending the view. This module will cover different ways data can be stored, retrieved, and manipulated in a Vue project.



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Module 8

UI Enhancements In addition to updating the data of a page, Vue can change the page's appearance. This module will cover how to use Vue to update classes and styles and add animated transitions.



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Module 9

Vue Components As a web application becomes more complex, it is necessary to divide a Vue project into smaller parts. This is where Vue components come in. This module will Vue component basics, including creating a component and passing data to a child component.



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Module 10

Build Tools Now that we understand how to create a Vue web application, it is time to take things to the next level. Build tools allow us to quickly build web applications with built-in boilerplates and help us maintain a much larger codebase. Build tools will also let us take advantage of the Single File Components.


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Module 11

Vue Router The Vue framework can be an excellent choice for creating Single Page Applications, and Vue Router makes it all possible. This module will cover how to install and use the Vue Router to create virtual pages.


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Module 12

Introduction to Firestore Web applications can require a lot of data, and often static files won't be enough. This module will cover working with the NoSQL database Firestore, which can manage data for web applications.


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Module 13

Next Steps There are many more tools to help with the creation of web applications. This module will review some of those tools so you can take the next steps in creating better and more complex web applications.
