CSS Validation

Validating our code is a process we should use more often to stay on track and increase the speed of our development by avoiding any errors or unexpected results.

For validating our code we will be using a third party service W3C CSS Validation Service

There are three options available for us to supply to CSS code we want to validate. We will be using the following two:

  1. We can supply a URI for the validation service to get the CSS from and validate it. Useful for files in GitHub repository or other web servers. W3C CSS validator URL Input

  2. We can copy paste our HTML inside the Validate by Direct Input. Useful for local files in out computer. W3C CSS validator Code Input

Validation Steps

After copy pasting the code in the direct input area, we can click on check button to start validation CSS validation code input

Once the validation is complete we see the list of errors CSS code validated

We can reference the errors and fix the issues in our code. Repeat the validation process until we see a green success message saying No Error Found. CSS code fixed

Common Errors to Ignore

Sometimes we cannot achieve the green success bar and it is okay, but we should aim to resolve as many issues as possible. The common messages to ignore are:

  • Ignore teh @viewport error codes
  • The errors for text-rendering
  • Ignore the vendor prefix errors for -webkit-, -moz-, -o-, -ms